
My Journey towards Firmer Face At 8 Medical Aesthetics!

8 Medical Aesthetic Clinic is an affordable premier aesthetics at the heart of Singapore that specialise in premier non-invasive procedures focusing on body contouring and facial rejuvenation treatment for common problem areas such as the abdomen, arms, thighs, face and neck. Step into the clinic with a peace of mind, as you will be in safe hands of their professional doctors and nurses who are trained to use the latest advanced technologies in Aesthetic Dermatology.
I was lucky to have met Derris during one of the events and he recommended me this treatment as I was concerned on my sagging face.

Located on the 7th floor of the Shaw Medical Centre, the place is easily accessible for many.

I had a consultation with Dr Bryan Lim before I proceed with Exilis using the Exilis Elite Machine as I had a concern to firm up my face and improve the overall texture. I was told to be well-hydrated by drinking at least 10 glasses of water the day before, the day of and the day after my treatment. This will result in a more comfortable and efficacious treatment. Additionally, avoid doing anything that will irritate the skin immediately before treatment (e.g. sunbathing).

Information about technology:
Exilis Elite® for Skin Tightening (Face)
Exilis Elite® is an award-winning, FDA-approved device that is used to tighten and smoothen loose skin on the face. It is ideal for both men & women in their thirties to sixties, who don’t want to undergo a surgical face lift.

How does Exilis Elite® work?

Exilis Elite® uses an advanced form of radiofrequency to heat the deep layers of the skin, whilst protecting the outer layer. Heating in this area, without damaging the outer layers of skin, causes microscopic changes to the tissues and collagen contraction, with subsequent collagen remodelling over the months that pass. Treatments are tolerable, have no healing time and give immediate results. You are able to resume all your usual activities straight after. A series of treatments is usually required for optimal results.

How safe is Exilis Elite® for skin tightening?

Exilis Elite® is a clinically proven and safe treatment technology. There are rarely any side effects, but some patients may experience a mild redness that subsides 1-2 hours after the treatment.

What kind of results can I expect from Exilis Elite® treatments for skin tightening?

Immediately following the treatment, your skin will feel tighter, with more tightening improvements appearing gradually over the months after treatment. Exilis Elite® can also be used to enhance a variety of treatments including IPL & laser skin rejuvenation and acne treatment. If there is a significant amount of redundant or sagging skin, often seen in older patients over sixty, combining RF treatments with Botox and Filler treatments, or a surgical face-lift to remove the excess skin, are other options to achieve a better result.

How long does each treatment session last?
Each treatment session is about 60 minutes for the face. This is completed with a Gentlewaves®LED treatment to improve the skin’s healing process.

Are Exilis Elite® treatments painful?

Expect to feel a heating sensation during the treatment, which is generally very well tolerated. This is one of the reasons for its popularity.

What is the difference between Exilis Elite® and Laser/IPL?

Firstly, Exilis Elite® works by heating up the deeper layers without damaging the skin’s surface, and is meant for skin tightening. Laser and IPL work in the upper layers of the skin and is meant for more superficial skin issues such as pigmentation, acne, spider veins, tone and texture.

Secondly, Exilis Elite® treatments are suitable for all skin colors, including dark and pigmented skin. Unlike lasers and IPL, Exilis Elite® energy is “color blind” meaning that it has no affinity to skin pigmentation, such as melanin.

Who is not suitable for Exilis Elite® treatments?
§ If you have active skin disease or infection in the area treated.
§ If you are pregnant.
§ If you have any metal implants or electrical device in your body e.g. pacemakers

Let’s GO!

Cleaning my face before the treatment starts. Honestly I was pretty excited on how it would be like to firm my face with RF (Radio Frequency). Imagine electrical frequencies going the skin and triggering the face to work its magic. I have always been troubled by my chubby face and am open to try new ways without using injectables like botox and fillers to make my face look better.
This gel looked familiar for some I believed, it is similar to the ultrasound gel you put on your tummy when scanning. It’s a cool clear gel and spread on your face before the RF was used.

Here you go! Do you see that blue light?

Depending on the clinical guidelines based on the individual requirements, the time required for individual on different parts vary. The heat increased gradually whereby you might feel a bit hot on the 2nd cycle especially near the bones area as the temperature was supposed to go up to 40 degrees celsius and sustained for 15 mins to be effective. The machine itself would regulate accordingly so that it does not go beyond for safety reasons. However, in my opinion the heat threshold varies differently for different individual.

Take a look at the video below to see how the treatment was done on my face.

Session 1:
You could make a comparison and from the after photo which was taken right after the treatment, it appeared slightly red and swollen but the face looked visibly brighter.


 Session 2:
This photo was taken right after my 2nd treatment without any face makeup, you could see another improvement. With the improved skin quality and firmness I felt more confidence to go with lesser makeup. We ladies all love minusing the ages off our faces doesn’t it? Let’s see what it does for me on my 3rd and 4th session.

Session 3:
3rd session was a bit different as I was doing my 1st ever eyebrow embroidery from Beauty Hope, the therapist was very thoughtful to cover up so as not to affect the embroidery. My comical look for the session so you are welcome to enjoy and have a tiny laugh over it. LOL. I myself find it funny! Hahahaha!

Here comes the gel again…

I am starting to like the blue RF light cos it helped to take away the age from my face so I was resting comfortably knowing that I would be in the good hands of the experienced therapist.

By the 3rd session, the skin had accustomed to the treatment and reacting better each time.
Session 4:
On my final session, I could see a slimmer face compared to before I had the treatment. Skin more rejuvenated with better elasticity and texture.
Before Any Treatments
After 4 sessions

Generally, no special care is needed after treatment. However it is recommended to increase the application of moisturizing lotions or creams to the treatment area or use a hydrating mask as often as possible. The recommended is 4 session each time and would be great if you could continue with the next package of 4 sessions for maintenance which is only advisable 3 months later.

I had attached the video below on Exilis:
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbhb7UZ3uiY

For those who’s keen to know more, just quote “Celestia Faith Chong”.

Click on this link to fix an appointment for this Skin Tightening trial and quote  “Celestia Faith Chong” for a VIP consultation and package.

8 Medical Aesthetic
Scotts Medical Center Pacific Plaza,
9 Scotts Road #07-07 Singapore 228210
Tel: (65) 6733 6389
Email: enquiries@8medicalaesthetic.com


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About me
Celestia Faith Chong

A blessed single mom of three kids, Celestia came from a humble background with a roller coaster life journey. Single-handedly, she overcame the challenging hurdles and strived for success.