Thank you 联合早报 for the feature on me as a single mom. The journey is not easy but I know I have my #faithangels building #faithfamily with me.
Not the perfect mummy but using my life to love them the best that I could.
For all the single moms out there, please stay strong and fight for the love of life, love of ownself and love of your love ones.
For you will never be alone. God has his plans for you like He did for me. When at times I got taken for granted, misunderstood and judged… I find my peace in prayers to get the strength and hope to move on despite the pain, disappointment, tears.
I know I will emerge stronger just like you could. We can do this!
Dedicate to all the wonderful mummies out there too! Tag single moms you know to read about my story.

#singlemom #soloblisssg #singlelife #lianhezaobao
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#celestiafaithchong #msbabelovebebes #fashionista #imagecoach #clozette#starclozetter #allureplasticlclinic #youngshineclinic #acmeclinic#acmesculpture #v10plus #phyto #lierac #beautybynature #dearprincesssalon#beautyrecipe #baseentertainmentambassador #estahsumakeup#riccinoshoes